The Cambridge Swift Box System is a method of installing internal nest boxes, by replacing a whole brick or half brick with a cast insert containing an entrance hole, with a nest box inside the building. We have now installed boxes in 8 houses with pleasing results in all cases
(see examples - scroll down to see all examples). It is particularly straightforward in solid walls, at roof space level, where the headers go all of the way through the wall. Such walls typically have soft lime mortar, so removing a header is an easy job. Below are some pictures of the results from 3 such projects. In all cases, the boxes inside the roof space are a simple plywood construction, with a hinged inspection door.
The first example This came about when we were walking down Haddenham High Street and we spotted an old unused Zeist Swift box on a gable end. The owner was in the garden, so we engaged in conversation. There were 3 missing bricks in the wall above the Swift box, so we made the obvious suggestion to her, resulting in 3 new nest places for Swifts, instead of the Zeist box.
The original unoccupied Zeist box, exposed to sun and rain, with 3 bricks missing from the wall |
3 entrance pieces inserted |
Close up |
The second exampleThis is right next door to the first example, and was the reason we were walking down Haddenham High Street in the first place
The whole gable end, with 2 sets of 3 entrances |
Close up of 3 entrances |
The third exampleThis is an old vicarage in Longstanton.
6 entrances virtually invisible from a distance |
Close up |