When Dick went up the church tower with Edmund at St Andrew’s, Sedbergh, his comment was that ‘this is the most difficult tower I’ve come across yet. Pity it’s your first!’ The church is a good location to try, however, as swifts nest not far away in the eaves of Sedbergh School library.
by Tanya & Edmund Hoare
St Andrews, Sedburgh |
And undeterred we went ahead, even though the design of box required was rather complex, and needed entrance tubes for the swifts. The tower is not boarded on all sides.
Luckily we had fantastic help from Nick, the local vet. Without his super carpentry skills this project could not have been accomplished.
Over the winter he and Edmund have spent many cold hours up the tower working out what to do. But finally the boxes have been installed behind the louvres of the west side, and an attraction call system has been fixed too.
The boxes could be fitted with cameras later.
All we need now is swifts!
The entrance tube is there to get through 2 layers of netting to the outside world |
Nick installing the boxes, left, and the completed job, right. |